This is a little long (or perhaps not), but some things to think about: LOGIC. COMMON SENSE, and STATISTICS: U.S. Supreme Court said vaccines are "UNAVOIDABLY UNSAFE." Why do drug companies have no vaccine liability? Those who want mandatory vaccines say that if people stop vaccinating, all those diseases will come back worse than ever - well, by age 28, all the childhood vaccines have worn off, and less than half of adults get vaccinated, so where are all the epidemics (pandemics?) and why aren't all the adults dropping dead like flies from all those diseases? If vaccines are effective, why are most outbreaks happening in vaccinated populations (especially China where 99.5% of the population is vaccinated, and they are having outbreaks)? Why would anyone care if someone's child wasn't vaccinated if yours was, as yours would be immune to all those vaccine-preventable diseases if vaccines were effective? If they are safe, why have there been over 60,000 deaths (perhaps much higher) in VAERS (where less than 1 in 10 actually gets reported according to CDC, maybe as little as 1 in 100 - I've multiplied by just a factor of 10), E.R. visits - over 2 million, Hospitalized - over 600,000, Life-Threatening - over 110,000, and Disabled - over 82,000. Here's a chart from the CDC for 2014 Pertussis cases (Chart). Notice in the lower right chart that over 5x as many cases reported in those who got the 3+ recommended vaccines compared to those who did not get the vaccine. The above does not take into account the possible long-term side effects which are unknown as there are no studies available for this. Did you know that to save one person from getting meningitis, the meningococcal vaccine will have killed three people and injured much more? More people die and are injured by vaccines than from the diseases they are supposed to prevent (according to statistics from VAERS and CDC). If you look at graphs of diseases from the 1800s to the present (Article with Lots of Graphs), and where vaccines came in, you'll see that most diseases were almost gone when the vaccines arrived. Check the graph for scarlet fever - there was no vaccine for that, so you can't give vaccines credit for that. Why aren't people still getting it? Why do many, if not most, doctors not vaccinate? And finally, why have there been almost no comparison studies in the U.S. between vaccinated and unvaccinated people (there were a couple in Europe showing vaccinated children less healthy than unvaccinated)? I know, that last question is a tough one, but if you actually spend some time on it, you'll figure it out (and no, they wouldn't be sacrificing the unvaccinated because there are around a million children who do not get vaccinated - see the logic of that below). If those who wanted everyone to get vaccines would actually do some research, fact checking, use some common sense and logic, perhaps they would find the truth. Instead, they accuse those who actually have done the research of not doing research and those who want safe vaccines are called anti-vaxx. I wonder if they call those who want safe highways, anti-highway. I wonder if they call the U.S. Supreme Court anti-vaxx for calling vaccines unavoidably unsafe. No doubt they would call you that if you said what SCOTUS said. I know all this won't change the opinions of those who want everyone vaccinated as they seem incapable of logic and common sense or of doing research from independent sources. Then again, perhaps they are profiting from vaccines.
A word about the comparison studies they refuse to do (by "they" I mean the government and vaccine people) that would compare health and disease rates between vaccinated and unvaccinated people. The reason they give, and this would be funny if it wasn't so tragic, is that it would be unethical to deprive vaccines to the million or so children who don't want and refuse to get vaccines (because those families probably have done the research). That's right, they say it's unethical to deprive them of vaccines that are known to kill and permanently injure a certain percentage of children who get them, but it's OK to try to force those vaccines on them! In other words, it's ethical to kill and injure but not to compare. One has to wonder if perhaps the makers of vaccines are vaccine injured or they think everyone else is.
A favorite quote that relates to this very well: "It astounds me how people never learn, and simply accept what is suggested to them by those writing articles, or those speaking on television, as gospel. Have we lost the ability to think critically? Have we lost the ability to question what we are told based upon actual facts? Or have we simply adopted the "Foghorn Leghorn perspective: "Don't bother me with facts, son. I've already made up my mind.""
Thanks to vaccines, there will be generations of people who not only can't think critically but may not be able to think much at all. Autism is already affecting 1 out of 36 and still increasing exponentially. But they keep denying the connection between vaccines and autism, even though vaccines contain several known neurotoxins (mercury, aluminum, lead, Glyphosate, MSG, etc., plus loads of other crap). Here is a link to one of the latest studies on Aluminum and Autism - Aluminum and Autism. Never forget how long they denied that smoking caused cancer and said smoking was actually good for you. It cost my father his life - he had been a heavy smoker for many years and although he quit in his mid-50s, he still died from lung cancer. One of their favorite arguments about all the deaths and injuries caused by vaccines - it was coincidental. That's the "logic" they use.
Saturday, April 7, 2018
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